Monday, April 4, 2011


Who would give your eulogy when you die? What would they say about you? Try writing a eulogy about yourself here: Write it in third person point of view.

1 comment:

  1. The person who I think I would choice to read/give my eulogy would most likely be a very close friend. I will give no names because who knows how far into the future that would be, and there could be many people in my life that I would love to have that pleasure. Well I believe that whom ever writes my eulogy would most likely break it into three or four sections. The first being my early life and High School, the second being college life and the years that I plan/ned to spend there, the Third would be about my career and how I tried to influence many different people within the would, and the fourth would be about my later achievements, and how I lived out my days surrounded by my family and loved ones.
