Monday, April 4, 2011


Do you believe in reincarnation? Explain your thoughts on the topic.


  1. Do I believe in reincarnation? Well some cultures around the world do, but in my response to the question I think that no that there is no such thing as reincarnation. I do on the other hand believe that there is a small part of are own body that lives in within the world itself. This is proven in science in a certain field called Noetics Science, and they have made many advances within the spirit world to give some people closure with the passing of there loved ones.

  2. I do not believe in reincarnation, I think that once you die your just dead you don't get to just hang around and look into other peoples lives.

  3. I thought that phil had an intresting thought saying that there is a little part of our bodys that live within the world, I never thought about that before.

  4. I do not believe in reincarnation. I believe that when we die as humans we enter a new world with our soul. I don't believe in coming back to the same world in a new body or as a different creature..I feel that our mind will be the same but we will be in a new place

  5. I <3 contemp lit!!! Boobies!

  6. Megan - That is very possible way to think about it. So do you believe anything that is happening in the lovely bones right now? Because it kinda is about reincarnation. And I am just wondering.
